Stewarding Our Eternal Impact
Stewarding Our Eternal Impact
Stewardship is a familiar term for most leaders in business, used in reference to financial decision-making. But did you know stewardship is really a matter of identity—who we are, whose we are, and the implications of our worldview? Although the financial decision to be generous and philanthropic is wonderful, we “give” nothing to God; He owns everything. God has, however, entrusted us with the responsibility of stewarding His businesses and His most prized possession: people.
When we delegate a task to an employee, we expect the task to be completed as instructed and the outcome to represent our will. Similarly, if our businesses “belong to God,” then we are managers with delegated authority, and we are accountable to Him to define success.
Arguably, at least 10% of American businesses are led by someone with a biblical worldview. About 1.5 million American businesses operate with at least 10 employees and $1 million in annual sales. If the 10% of those companies led by Christians (150,000) were committed to stewarding their business as ministry, and each touched an average of 5,000 people a year through business, their collective outreach potential would exceed the population of North America.